- Business - Fincantieri's Muggiano yard awarded ISO 14001 status

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Fincantieri's Muggiano yard awarded ISO 14001 status

Fincantieri's Muggiano yard management team have been awarded ISO 14001 certification by RINA. The certificate acknowledges high standards in the implementation of environmentally considerate management systems.…

During a ceremony held in Muggiano La Spezia, RINA awarded Fincantieri's Muggiano yard with 'Environmental Protection' certification under ISO 14001, the most recent and advanced environmental management standard.

The yard in Riva Trigoso, Genoa, which together with Muggiano comprises Fincantieri's building capability, is expected to be certified within the next month.
The ceremony was attended by RINA's Roberto Cazzulo, chief regulatory affairs officer and, for Fincantieri, by Ferdinando Tognini, manager of the Riva Trigoso and Muggiano shipyards, Alessandro Concialini, naval vessel business unit deputy director, Giovanni Andreani, head of safety, and Giovanni Romano, executive senior vice president megayachts.
In order to qualify for ISO 14001 certification, applicants must, among other things,  draw up programmes to improve the systems that manage environmental aspects and their related impacts. They must also introduce internal guidelines and controls to regulate and monitor activities from an environmental perspective.

This standard is intended to provide the basis of an effective environmental management system, and one of its greatest strengths is the credibility derived from its international recognition.

(From left to right): Ferdinando Tognini, Roberto Cazzulo, Alessandro Concialini, Giovanni Andreani.

This certification sits parallel with 'Towards Zero Accidents', Fincantieri's 2011 project that aims to achieve a standard of excellence needed to reduce workplace injuries to a minimum. As evidence of the progress made, year one of this project's implementation has seen the number of hours of absence due to accidents fall by 26 per cent, and the number of compensated injuries decrease by 36 per cent.
Giuseppe Bono, CEO of Fincantieri, said: "Today's milestone is an important step in the process of evolution that sees Fincantieri committed to safety and the environment. We believe that in addition to being key factors for those who work in surroundings like ours, these issues have a positive impact on the management of processes, on cost and injury reduction, and on the quality of corporate life."

"All this contributes significantly to making Fincantieri more competitive, a key factor for defending our growth and overall productive fabric, including our allied industries, at a difficult time like the present, and that’s why we intend to gradually extend the results achieved at the Muggiano yard to all the Group's other yards", Bono added.

Ferdinando Tognini receives the ISO 14001 certification from Roberto Cazzulo.

Related Links

Fincantieri Profile | Fincantieri Website

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