“People aren’t realising how the market is changing” – C&N
The Superyacht Forum welcomes Camper & Nicholsons International as a headline partner…
It’s common – and certainly accurate – rhetoric that superyacht owners are wanting more for less, and are seeking greater tangible value from the product and services they receive than ever before. As such, organisations set up as facilitators or intermediaries in the process have their work cut out to prove they are making valuable contributions.
This sentiment rings true for brokers, especially, who have a commission fee to justify. And it seems that, more and more, superyacht clients are beginning to query if they are getting a better deal and product by using a broker, or if their broker is in fact a ‘one-trick pony’ who cannot deliver the across-the-board advice they require. It’s crucial, therefore, that brokers are up-to-speed on that latest industry developments and trends, which is where The Superyacht Forum comes into play…
This coming November (12–14th), The Superyacht Group is proud to announce its partnership with the esteemed Camper & Nicholsons International (C&NI) for The Superyacht Forum. The brand’s expertise and knowledge will drive myriad elements of the programme. It’s been a whirlwind of ownership and organisational changes for the luxury yachting company over the past few years, however, it is one of few major brokerages striving to make adaptions to the infinitely faster-paced external environment.
“The new build figures are positive again, which I think is due to many reasons, and I think the numbers will now stabilise. The [Superyacht] Forum is a good opportunity to put the numbers into context and find out what kind of advice is expected of brokers and how we can contribute in the best way possible for the benefit of our clients,” explains Fabio Ermetto, CCO of C&NI.
“Then, at the end of the year, when they are unprofitable again, they are wondering why.”
“People aren’t realising how the market is changing,” adds Paulo Casani, CEO of C&NI. “We have to justify our presence more than ever and the value we add. We have to be able to prove why an owner should use a broker and pay a commission and not go directly to the shipyard.”
Casani believes that larger organisations are not adapting in sync with the market, and they will not last if they don’t adjust their business practices. “The market is changing but many of the companies have stayed more or less the same and are not adapting their size or strategy. Then, at the end of the year, when they are unprofitable again, they are wondering why. We need to create a market with less but more important players,” he explains.
“Ten years ago, it was about having the best broker. The assumption [from a seller’s perspective] was that the best broker will give you the best likelihood of selling because of their contacts and reach. But now, you need a company providing new construction services, project management, after sales, tax and legal advice and KYC and money-laundering advice – there is a wide scope.”
Casani recalls a recent negotiation between C&NI and a South American client, who wanted an incredibly detailed KYC – different to anything the company had provided in the past. In light of these challenging and unfamiliar scenarios, brokers have to be able to hatch plans, so in essence, the learning curve never stops.
This year, at The Superyacht Forum in Amsterdam, the programme will focus on the concept of ‘The Perfect Customer Journey’ – this is a particularly relevant theme for brokerage houses that represent their clients’ interests at every step of the customer journey. Brokerage is a key facet of this journey, and the future of this sector will undoubtedly be a key feature of the discussions.
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Pictured: Paolo Casani (left) and Fabio Ermetto.
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