SuperyachtNews COVID-19 Advisory – letter certifies UK quarantine exemption
Nautilus International has drafted a letter for seafarers arriving at UK ports…
Maritime union Nautilus International and the UK Chamber of Shipping have jointly produced a special guidance letter for seafarers arriving at UK ports. The letter supports their exemption from the recently-introduced requirement to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival in the UK.
The letter certifies that crew and masters, maritime pilots, and inspectors and surveyors of ships are exempted from mandatory quarantine measures. The exemption from the requirement to self-isolate applies regardless of whether the individual is arriving in the UK for the purposes of crew change, shore leave or returning home on leave.
It is designed to be shown to UK Border Force when a seafarer arrives in the UK and is based on guidance published by the UK government on 8 June, 2020. The letter can be used alongside evidence of employment, such as a Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID), joining papers, Seafarer’s Employment Agreement (SEA), seafarer’s discharge book or basic training certificate.
The letter was created following feedback from Nautilus members arriving in the UK that Border Force had requested mandatory quarantine. The guidance letter can be downloaded here.
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