Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.
Exterior Designers
Interior Designers
Naval Architects
Shipyards - New Build
IHI Corporation is a comprehensive heavy-industry manufacturer working to create value for customers in four main areas—Resource, Energy and Environment; Social Infrastructure and Offshore Facilities; Industrial Systems and General-purpose Machinery; and Aero Engine, Space and Defense.
IHI’s history extends back to the establishment of Ishikawajima Shipyard, Japan’s first modern shipbuilding facility, in 1853. The company played a key role in Japan’s modernization, including by leveraging its shipbuilding technology in new areas, such as heavy machinery manufacturing, bridge building, plant construction and aero-engine production. In 1960, Ishikawajima Heavy Industries, the successor of Ishikawajima Shipyard, merged with Harima Shipbuilding & Engineering to create Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries. The name IHI Corporation was adopted in 2007 to help strengthen the company’s global brand.
IHI is deeply committed to contributing to society through technology, combining diverse engineering capabilities to meet expanding global needs for energy, urbanization and industrialization, and transportation efficiency.
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SuperyachtNews weekly fleet summary
A succinct summary of new-build and brokerage market activity in the last week…