- Fleet - Seakeeper's new gyro offers 'up to 80% roll reduction'

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Seakeeper's new gyro offers 'up to 80% roll reduction'

Rock and roll is great to listen to but not so good if applied to the experience at anchor or underway on a superyacht. Seakeeper's new M26000 gyro is an improvement on its previous model with up to 80 per cent roll reduction.…

Seakeeper, the boat stabilization systems specialist, has launched the successor to its M21000 gyro, the M26000 gyro. Offering 25% more righting force within the same installation footprint, it is rated for use in yachts up to 110 tonnes displacement. One gyro is typically suited for vessels at or just above the 30.5m mark.

For the plus 30m market the gyros are still effective however as multiple gyros can be installed. Recent examples of installation on new builds or refitted yachts include 43m Italyachts Elsea which had three M21000 Seakeeper gyros installed and Heesen’s forthcoming 65m featuring a fast displacement hull form which has five of the gyros installed.

As to whether Seakeeper will develop one gyro specifically for the plus 30m market, there are doubts as to whether this is even a better solution to the current multiple gyro system.

“Seakeeper is evaluating the possibility for larger gyros,” said general manager Kelly Flory. “Their gyroscopic stabilization technology is fully scalable, so there are many opportunities.

"This being said, it's worth considering that in some cases, there are advantages to having two or more smaller gyros rather than a single, large one. The logic is similar to choosing to install two or more primary propulsion engines on a yacht, rather than one large one. Factors to evaluate include flexible installation options, weight distribution, power consumption and available space, as well as the advantage of redundancy. A single, massive gyro may not have these advantages when compared to multiple smaller units –just as with engines.”

Heesen Yachts' Fast Displacement Hull Form (FDHF) debuts on its new 65m yacht in 2013 and features five M21000 gyros

The proof is in the pudding as orders for the new model are already flooding in according to John Kermet, Seakeeper vice president of sales and marketing. "Pre-orders for the new M26000 already exceed 2011 orders for the previous model. Everyone wants to deliver a safer, more comfortable experience on the water."

Seakeeper's M26000 gyro is compact and operates under 3KW of electrical power

The Seakeeper M26000 is designed to achieve up to 80% roll reduction. It works by spinning at 5,000 rpm inside a vacuum delivering optimal stabilization while requiring a low 3kW of electrical power. The new model comes in at a compact 128cm L x 142cm W x 94cm H and a 1,338kg weight. Other advancements include updated gyro precession control software and an upgraded hydraulic damping system.

Designed to “virtually eliminate” boat roll while underway or at anchor, without drag-producing, damage-prone appendages, the gyro should make an appearance on the list of options for a new build or refit’s essential systems.

No one wants to endure the seasickness and inconvenience of a yacht heaving from side to side. Seakeeper has launched an important follow up to its first model which could contribute significantly to the ease and comfort of superyacht owners and crew.

Related Links

Seakeeper Profile | Seakeeper Website

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