- Owner - CNI:INCandid Conversation / Shipyards

By SuperyachtNews

CNI:INCandid Conversation / Shipyards

VIDEO – Martin Redmayne chairs CNI's webinar to explore best practice with shipyards after the COVID-19 crisis…

On 6th May Camper & Nicholsons International (CNI), the renowned superyacht brokerage, management and charter house, hosted the second in a series of candid webinars, chaired by The Superyacht Group’s Martin Redmayne. The intention of the second webinar was to explore how to best collaborate and negotiate with shipyards after the COVID-19 crisis. Redmayne was joined by Fabio Ermetto, Chief Commercial Officer at CNI, Jay Tooker, Senior Partner at Holman Fenwick & Willan (HFW) and Mark Cavendish, Director of Sales and Marketing at Heesen.

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