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MTU - A Rolls-Royce Solution

Engine Room





Engine Room

About Rolls-Royce Power Systems

Rolls-Royce provides world-class power solutions and complete life-cycle support under its product and solution brand mtu. mtu systems power the most modern yachts, the strongest tugboats and the biggest land vehicles and provide energy for the world’s most important mission-critical applications. Rolls-Royce Power Systems delivers and services comprehensive, powerful and reliable systems, based on both gas and diesel engines, as well as electrified hybrid systems and batteries.

Fully utilizing the potential of digitalization and electrification, Rolls-Royce business unit Power Systems strives to develop climate-neutral drive and power generation solutions that are even cleaner and smarter and thus provide answers to the challenges posed by climate change and the rapidly growing societal demands for energy and mobility.


A sustainable solutions provider

Rolls-Royce Power Systems has committed to cutting Green House Gas emissions of its new products by 35% until 2030 compared to 2019. Rolls-Royce Power Systems is pursuing a multi-pillar strategy to reducing emissions: in addition to using sustainable fuels, it is building on new technologies such as fuel cell systems. These will be used in energy supply from 2025 onwards and will become relevant for mobile applications as well. Rolls-Royce Power System’s development engineers are also already working on hydrogen and methanol engines as well as concepts for decentralised power-to-X plants. Other sustainable solutions such as battery storage, hybrid systems for ships and trains or microgrids for decentralised, environmentally friendly energy supply are already part of the mtu product portfolio.




Maybachplatz 1


News summary

Image for Engineering a sea change

Engineering a sea change

Why it’s time for the industry to make a clean break from conventional fossil-fuel-burning engines…


Image for The sustainable superyacht show

The sustainable superyacht show

A glimpse into the future of superyachting with more energy-efficient, greener and cleaner solutions on show than ever before…


Image for Rolls-Royce inaugurates US overhaul centre

Rolls-Royce inaugurates US overhaul centre

The mtu Aiken campus now covers the full circle of life for an mtu engine – from concept to its second-life…


Image for Rolls-Royce deploys biofuel engines

Rolls-Royce deploys biofuel engines

The Series 2000 and 4000 mtu engines for yachts have been approved for release by the engine specialists…


Image for Oceanco reframes challenges for a better future

Oceanco reframes challenges for a better future

The tides are turning on what owners want from their yachts, and as an industry, it’s up to us to keep one step ahead…


Image for Rolls-Royce successfully tests mtu engines with pure hydrogen

Rolls-Royce successfully tests mtu engines with pure hydrogen

Rolls-Royce has successfully tested a 12-cylinder gas variant of the MTU Series 4000 L64 running on 100% hydrogen…


Image for Rolls-Royce and Lürssen announce sustainability projects at MYS

Rolls-Royce and Lürssen announce sustainability projects at MYS

Rolls-Royce made two announcements at MYS regarding its role in a greener future for the Yachting Industry…


Image for Rolls Royce to present roadmap to net zero

Rolls Royce to present roadmap to net zero

The seminar, at SMM Hamburg 6-9 September, will cover sustainable fuels, alternative propulsion systems and intelligent ship automation…


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