Quay Crew is a company which is looking to supply a truly professional, ethical service and shake up the way recruitment is done in yachting.
News summary
Ample opportunities for head chefs
Results from Quay Crew’s Superyacht Head Chef Salary Survey shed light on the benefits of having highly sought-after transferable skills in the galley…
Are crew lacking leadership?
Despite some efforts being made to improve mental health on board, little has changed. Can senior leaders do more to truly turn the tide?
Captain salaries on the rise
Quay Crew’s most detailed salary report to date reveals a rise in captains’ wages following a slight decline in recent years, amongst other findings…
Chief Engineers in sufficient supply
Chief Engineers are enjoying a robust employment market with salaries and rotations moving further in line with expectations…
Crew training budgets below par
Tim Clarke explains how recent survey results illustrate that yachts need to improve training options if they are going to retain quality crew…
Quay Crew partner with Greig City Academy
100% of all recruitment fees generated from the placement of crew from GCA will be donated directly back to the Scaramouche Sailing Trust…
Quay Crew to include criminal background check
Partnering with CrewPass, Quay crew will offer detailed criminal background checks for crew and yachting professionals as standard
Growing concern over number of falsified CVs
Recruiters are highlighting the worrying amount of ‘massaged’ CVs in yachting…