The Med’s Meeting of Minds
Martin H. Redmayne invites you to have your say in formulating the objectives that will give the market what it wants…
We recently launched a simple survey to ask the market what needs to change, be improved or needs further investment, and when it comes to marina infrastructure and refit operations, this feedback would essentially help to build a strategic programme for the Balearic Superyacht Forum. The response was significant and the topics wide ranging, with nearly 100 thoughts and ideas shared that all can add value or improve and upgrade the way the market delivers services, support or strategies to build a better market place.
Our objective with this annual meeting, taking place in Palma de Mallorca for the second iteration, is to bring together stakeholders, investors, owners of infrastructure and a core network of VIPs who are the typical customers of marinas and refit centres to discuss, debate and explore what the market wants and to propose solutions for change. This will comprise a series of keynote debates and myriad round-table-style workshops, mapped out to answer the questions or solve the problems that have been proposed by our audience. Just to let you know, the survey is live until the end of the month, so if you’d like to still have your say, click the following link.
As a snapshot of some of the topics that we will explore and analyse for the programme taking place on the 29th and 30th of April, just before the Palma International Boat Show, we have extracted a sample of some of the interesting ideas proposed. However, as more come in, the organisers are going to review the extensive list and refine the list to the 10 most valuable topics.
In the marina and operations sector, the following have been highlighted as key topics for debate:
• Sustainability in all aspects of operations, from the obvious recycling to the more challenging energy management.
• Electronic port clearance: Invest in systems to streamline entry and exit formalities across jurisdictions, reducing paperwork and time delays.
• Create consistent rules on taxation, anchorage permits and environmental regulations to simplify navigation and operations for yacht managers and owners.
• Improve waste-disposal systems with better recycling facilities, hazardous-waste handling and wastewater treatment plants tailored to yachting needs.
• Redevelop public ports, modernise existing marinas and identify locations for development rather than trying to enlarge existing locations.
In the refit and services infrastructure sector, the following have been highlighted as key topics for discussion:
• Specialised training programmes: Invest in training and certification programmes for technicians, engineer, and craftspeople to ensure high-quality services are aligned with evolving yacht technologies.
• Refit infrastructures sometimes need to be more welcoming and friendlier. Ultimately, if the building process should be fun for the owner, similarly the refit process should be fun for the crew.
• Being clear with all costs up front. The way some quotes are broken down makes it very difficult to compare and contrast between different facilities. Lay out exact costs rather than just lumping everything under one title.
• Collaborative networks: Build networks of shipyards and service providers to share resources, expertise and workforce during peak demand periods.
• Sustainable practices: Incorporate eco-friendly processes like water recycling, non-toxic antifouling applications and energy-efficient workshop operations.
These topics and many more are currently under review by the programme team to ensure we create the optimum list of topics that the experts in the room can challenge and explore, so that the workshops are highly valuable, completely relevant and based on the market demand.
As we all know, the Mediterranean is a tiny percentage of the world’s oceans, as small as 0.7 per cent of the total planet’s blue space, yet it comprises 46,000km of coast line and 2.5 million square km of surface water. It is, in addition, the most popular cruising ground for the superyacht sector for obvious reasons, and has the highest concentration of marinas, ports and refit facilities, but as the fleet keeps expanding and the size and complexity of projects continue to evolve, we have to make sure we future-proof the Mediterranean. This is one of the core goals and objectives for this year’s Balearic Superyacht Forum, with partners and representatives from Turkey, Greece, Malta, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, France and Spain all joining the debate.
To be part of this key Meeting in the Med or to share your ideas, comments and opinion on future proofing the Med from a Superyacht perspective, visit or click on the link and share your ideas via our important but very simple Med Market Survey.
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